The “craft” in “craft beer industry” is so much more than just a word to describe it as being locally made or brewed in small batches. The craft beer industry, especially in Boulder, is wildly creative and vibrant. It’s made up of professionals and artists who slog through the many not-so-glamorous parts of the jobs because they’re passionate about their art and reaching the end product, the finished work.
The craft beer industry is tied inextricably to the entire craft culture of the area, thriving because locals love a product made creatively with love, care, and artisanship. To most accurately and wholly describe the craft beer industry, then, it takes an equally creative and expressive medium, which Dustin Hall, creator of The Brewtography Project, has harnessed.
Check out my article with Your Boulder, “The Brewtography Project: Zooming In on Colorado’s Breweries,” to learn more about The Brewtography Project and their mission and to see their body of impressive, artistic work. You can find the article here.